As seniors we all have had more sunrises behind us than are likely ahead of us. So stretch your limitations, go beyond your boundaries, and join us for 1 or 2 or all 4 events planned across our nation, let’s make a journey, and memories together.
Below is a more detailed list of event locations, dates and lodging.
You are responsible for booking and paying for your rooms and meals, book early you can always cancel, be sure to check cancellation policy.
If you need more info or have questions, you can call or text me Larry Tattrie 902-957-0346 or you can email

Event 1 - Nova Scotia June 25 - 26 Cape Breton

Day 1 June 25.
  • Lodging is at Travelers Inn phone 902-674-2300, in Boularderie, NS, ask for CSM rate.
  • Camping is at KOA 1-800-562-7452.
  • Ride into location, check into lodging, social gather, supper, outdoor fire pit at motel time of sharing.
Day 2. June 26. 
  • Lodging The Cove Motel, 902-747-2700 in Aulds Cove, logistics to do the Cabot Trail requires us to stay at different places each night.
  • Breakfast, group ride or solo your choice to tour the Cabot Trail, stops on trail for breaks, photo opps and lunch, back to the hotel for supper and social.

Event 2 - Ontario - July 2 - 3, Midland

Lodging at Quality Inn, phone 705-526-9307 ask for CSM group rate, Camping phone numbers, Smiths Trailer Park 705-526-4339, or Bayfort Camp 705-526-8704.

Day 1. July 2. Ride into event, meet and greet, supper, social gather meet and greet and activities.

Day 2. July 3. Rest day. Breakfast at hotel, group ride or solo, or veg out at the pool or explore town, modified group ride poker run, maybe another activity as well, supper, social, raffle draw

Event 3 - Alberta - July 9 - 10, Rimbey

Lodging at Quality Inn and Suites, phone 403-843-2999 you must ask for CSM rate our group code is 5006857 our rate is $125 a night for king bed and $135 a night for 2 double beds. We have 8 kings and 7 doubles blocked for the group till May 1st, then it will jump to reg rate if you need a room book soon.Camping at Rimbey Lions Nest Campground 403-704-6997 or Open Creek 403-843-6931
  • Day 1. July 9. Check into lodging, mingle, pool, supper maybe catered if we know the number of people coming for sure, social evening, meet and greet.
  • Day 2. July 10. Rest Day Breakfast at hotel, group ride or solo, tour of motorcycle museum, over 3500 items, airplane museum nearby, dinner on route, possible picnic at PasKaPoo Historical Museum, social evening with stories and raffle.

Event 4 - British Columbia - July 14 - 15 Creston

Lodging Sunset Motel 250-428-2229 ask for Pam and CSM rate or 2nd choice (next door) Skimmerhorn Inn 250- 428-4009, camping Scotties 1-800-982-4256 or free rough camping at the hall we rented or check online for other places.

  • Day 1 July 14. Settle in, mingle, supper barbecue at West Creston Hall, maybe horse shoes etc there, social evening.
  • Day 2. July 15. Rest Day. Breakfast at West Creston Hall, poker run, possible stop at hot springs if any interest, supper, evening social, raffle and draws.
Some Details
  • If any members want to donate anything for the social evenings, for example, snacks, treats, prizes, feel free to bring along and with our thanks.
  • At every event on Day 1 social you will have an opportunity to introduce yourself, and share a short 5 min motorcycle related story.
  • It is possible if we have enough time we may have an evening or morning get together in Saskatchewan. Watch for future posts for information on this.
  • Those who are going to ride across Canada and attend all events or portions of events and want to ride with the group, or on your own, because of the timeline to get from event to event we will need to ride at least 10 plus hrs a day with multiple stops for fuel, food, rests, and stretch and try to cover 500-750 km at least per day. We will have pre decided places where we will stop for the night so if you want to ride by yourself either faster or slower you will know where we will meet up. And you can join us at any time along the way or drop out at any time.
  • I will post our daily ride plan at a later date as always you can contact me anytime for information or to answer question – Larry Tattrie 902-957-0346 or email
Tentative intinerary is still being worked on, here’s what we have so far:
  • June 25 & 26 Event 1- Cape Breton, The Travellers Inn, phone
  • June 28 ?
  • June 29 Depart Nova Scotia, stop for the night Edmundston, N.B
  • June 30 depart Edmundston, N.B to Smiths Falls. Ont
  • July 1 Depart Smiths Falls through Algonquin Park
  • July 2 & 3. Event 2 Midland, Ont – Quality Inn 705-526-9307 Re CSM group rate,
  • July 4 Depart Midland to Sault Ste Marie, Ont – Motel?
  • July 5. Depart Sault to Thunder Bay or Kakabeka Falls – motel?
  • July 6 Depart Kakabeka Falls to Steinbach, Manitoba – Motel?
  • July 7 Depart Steinbach to Watrous Mineral Pools – Motel?
  • July 8 Late start depart Waterous to Drumheller Area AB – Motel?
  • July 9 & 10 Event 3 Rimbey, Alberta ( Quality Inn and Suites, phone 403-843-2999 or 2997
  • July 11,12,13, B.C tour
  • July 14.& 15 Event 4 Creston, BC Sunset Motel 250-428-2229 CSM group rate. Second choice is Skimmerhorn Inn 250 428 4009